Monday, April 9, 2012

Lesson 97: Blogging creates an incentive for me to carry around my camera

This past weekend was Easter and full of activities. Saturday we had an Easter breakfast with Tyler's family and then a mini egg hunt for the kids. This is such a great idea as I have found city sponsored egg hunts give me heart palpitations. Easter egg hunts should not be that high level of stress... I blame parents who cheat and pick up the eggs for their kids. You know who you are!

The rest of the day was filled with errands and getting ready for Easter dinner. Nothing can quite get you in the mood to clean and organize like the prospect of having family over for a holiday meal.

Tyler broke out our baby grill for steak dinner Saturday night... as you can see Max reeeeeally wants the meat!!!!!


Happy Easter Tyler time to wake up!!!

Tyler's first ham... completely covered in pineapples and cherries

I made felt roses for Ruby and Max. Thanks to Gertie's Blog for Better Sewing for the tutorial

Tada! Here is the dress! It made its debut for Easter Sunday.

And my mom was right... the purple does not match the red.

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